Class Teaching Organisation

Government legislation states that class sizes in Foundation and Key Stage One must be less than 30. Our school admission number is 30.

At Our Lady Star of the Sea classes are organised into seven year groups. In each class, specific concepts and skills are taught and all children are expected to master these with support and challenge. Children who have not mastered the key concepts are monitored carefully and provided with short term intervention which is mostly immediate, to support them as they close the gap.

We track carefully on a termly basis to ensure children are on track to reach the expectations of our curriculum. All teachers know children well and understand how they learn. These relationships are crucial for learning to be maximised. For some children Individual Education Plans (IEPs) are needed to provide further support. These are created in partnership with children, parents and teachers.

As school trips are an extension of the learning taking place, such activities are related to the work happening within class. Socially all children have varied opportunities throughout the day to mix with different year groups. We see this as an important part of their learning. Lunch times and break times are valuable opportunities for learning to be reinforced and skills to be practised in the company of friends.

Taking small steps, by the end of each year group, the vast majority of children have sustained mastery of the content, that is, they remember and are fluent in it; a number of children have a greater depth understanding. The impact of our curriculum is that children grow to love themselves, love each other and love Jesus Christ. By the time they leave us in Year 6 they have the tools they need to navigate the next stage of their learning and life journey.