In all things Charity

Our school mission statement ‘You are Precious in My Eyes’ is at the root of everything we are and strive to be, as we try to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Service to others brings meaning and fulfilment to our lives. In our last RE Ofsted, the inspectors were impressed with our charitable deeds as a school community which include local, national and international charities. We are proud of our charity work and the contribution this makes to the wider community.

Donna’s Dream House, Brian House, Streetlife, Children in Need, Face to Face, Barnardos, CAFOD , and, more recently, St Peter’s School in Uganda, have all benefited from our fund raising (and the list keeps growing as the children themselves think of their own charities they would like us to help). As Jesus said ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’  and He calls each one of us to be His disciples in the world today. Mother Theresa summed up how each one of us can contribute to making the world a happier place ‘Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love’.

Around school, there are many inspirational quotes from a wide variety of people which reinforce the need for loving and caring for each other. Staff and children often create their own and these too are displayed in classrooms and other areas.

As many of you already know, the following words influence how we would like to make a difference as a school community, working together for the greater good.

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
Mahatma Ghandi