
Our Lady’s School Community

Welcome / Meet / Purpose / Role / How

Welcome to the Governor's pages

Thank you for taking time to visit this area of the website which will provide you with an overview of the role of the school’s Governing Body.

The Governing Body consists of 7 Foundation Governors, 2 Parent Governors, 1 Local Authority Governor, 1 Staff Governor and our Headteacher.

The Governors meet regularly, as a full body and in committees, to deal with particular aspects of the school’s leadership and management. They are committed and involved in all areas of school life and share considerable professional and business expertise.

As Governors, our role is to work with Mrs Gregan to:

  • Live out the Mission statement, placing Christ at the centre of all that we do.

  • Provide the best possible learning opportunities for every pupil at Our Lady’s School.

  • Set the vision, plan and establish a positive culture to drive forward improvement to ensure the best life chances are secured for every child.