Tasty food and happy play!

Lunchtime is a valued part of the day at Our Lady’s. We sit together to share a meal and friendship. We have three lunchtimes each shared by two or three classes. Our Year 6 children support Jacqui, our cook, and all the welfare staff while we are in the hall, and the Eco-Councillors can be seen collecting kitchen waste for composting. Mr Nay is ready outside for games and challenges, working closely with the welfare team and the Year 6 leaders, who devise their own clubs for children to attend. Mrs Mather is always there to ensure everything runs smoothly!

“A child reminds us that playtime is an essential part of our daily routine.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our Menu

As we move into Summer, the menu changes to ensure that the children are eating seasonal food and lunches that are appropriate for the time of year.