Physical Education at Our Lady Star of the Sea

At Our Lady's, Physical Development lies at the heart of the curriculum. We recognise that it is an integral aspect of the development of the whole child. Our vision is to provide all children with a physical vocabulary which grows confidence, self-belief and an ability to realise that the key to unlocking their potential lies within themselves. We aim to deliver high quality PE to support the children to become self aware and to progressively enable each individual to understand the potential that they have. When the children leave us in Year 6, we want them to have the confidence to try everything and anything. This approach goes hand in hand with a healthy lifestyle. We want the children to develop their understanding so that they can make the right healthy choices as they journey through life. 

Physical Development in Foundation and Key Stage One

During Foundation and Key Stage One pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident, and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. Our vision is that all pupils should master basic movements by the time they leave Key Stage One, giving them the tools needed to access more sports specific skills in Key Stage Two. Please have a look at the following document. It will give you ideas of how you can practise these skills at home and will also show you what sports your children will be able to access as they move into Key Stage Two.

The children will be taught dance and gymnastics throughout their time at Our Lady's. The children will be taught to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through gymnastic type activities. Dance is often closely linked to the main themes which run through the curriculum, and the children will use dance to bring their learning to life. Whether it is using The BFG to inspire their movement or the life of dinosaurs, the children will use their learning to bring emotion and character to their performances.

Physical Development in Key Stage Two

During Key Stage Two the children will continue to develop a broader range of skills to apply to different types of sports. These sports may be invasion games (netball, hockey, football or basketball); striking and fielding games (rounders or cricket); net and wall games (tennis or badminton) . The children will learn how to play competitive games and be challenged to think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition by applying basic principles of attacking and defending. These competitive games will be modified to allow the children to consolidate the skills that have been taught. In addition to the games approach, dance and gymnastics will continue to be taught. We want the children to be able to develop sequences and dances that have an increased sense of fluidity and creativity. The children will explore how to operate at different levels and how to use apparatus to bring their sequences to life.

Swimming is also a key life skill which is developed during the children's journey through Year 4 and Year 5. Bespoke lessons enable children to develop their basic skills alongside a water safety programme. In taking your child swimming outside of school you can help us to ensure that by the end of Year 5 they have attained the key skills.

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