Year 6 Home Learning - Week 3

What wonderful posters were produced about volcanoes and tectonic plates. Thank you for all of your hard work!

Maths - please complete A8 and A9 on IXL.

English - work your way through strand B1 - B6 on IXL English. This can take two weeks.

Spellings - homophone focus. This week you need to learn the correct homophones in the right context.

cereal, serial, heard, herd, steal, steel, stationary, stationery, father, farther, prey, pray, practise, practice.

You will need to understand what each of these words mean. Write a sentence in your homework book that contains these words.

Geography - over the next two weeks, I would like you to collate information on one of the South American countries. Things like: size, population, landmarks, food etc. Record in your homework book. We will be using technology to bring this information to life. Make sure that you have some of this information ready for next week.

Please visit Purple Mash at different points over the next two weeks and respond to any marking that you have.