Reception Home Learning 27.11.20


Keeeeeeeeeep Reading!

Everyone should have a new set of word flashcards to practise with. If you do not have a set it is because the previous set wasn’t returned, please send them in next week and we can swap them over.

Homework Books

We have now learnt 26 different sounds which is AMAZING. I have slotted a sheet in the books of all the RWI rhymes to remember how to form the letters.

Please choose 10 letters and practice writing them on the lined page of your book. It is very important you start and finish in the correct place.

It might be a good idea to warm up those fingers with a dough disco.

Purple Mash

Enjoy exploring 2Beat to make a rhythm we can all join in with next week. We have been using 2Beat all week, so hopefully they will be able to show you what the different buttons do!

Please remember to click ‘save and exit’ and then ‘hand in’

Thank you and as always…enjoy!

Miss Lavelle