"Prayer delights God's ear; it melts His heart" Thomas Watson

Dear Year 5,

Once again I thank you most sincerely for all your hard work- especially on that maths!!! I’ve almost caught up with all your Purple Mash tasks now- I have laughed and smiled at your work- thank you. We are taking a break over half term - you deserve a rest in the sunshine! You have only one job next week and that is to read!! Tess has reached her target (well done big cheer) and many of you are on your way. I will be setting a new target on June 15th so you have time to reach it (if you can and your book has a quiz). I have made a film clipping together all the recommendations you sent earlier this week! If you’re struggling to choose a book - pick one from those recommended by your friends!

A massive thank you too for all your creative responses to the deadly creature theme this week the- voice overs, leaflets, quizzes and pictures- so many!!!- I have picked two to share. Can you guess who is narrating these films? The second one has poor quality sound because I had to film my screen to show it sorry but it did make me fall about laughing!!!!!!

Next week there will be a break for the formal lessons on our class learning page. After that, on June 1st, there will be “Health and Happiness” tasks to complete as a family. Many of the tasks link to keeping “Healthy and Happy” in the new situation we find ourselves in. We need time to reflect on this.

Take care always

God Bless Mrs H xx