Year 2 Remote Learning - Friday 5th February


It was lovely to see you all yesterday!
You have worked incredibly hard this week and it’s now Friday! Enjoy today’s learning!

For an extra challenge each day this month, I would like you to have a look at the friendly February calendar.
Have a look at today’s challenge. Can you spread happiness and cheer to someone today?


Start the lesson by completing at least 3 minutes of learning on TT Rockstars.

We have now finished our multiplication and division topic, so I would like to see how much we have learnt! There is no video today. I would like you to work through the two worksheets attached. They are also on Purple Mash if you prefer. Try and complete today’s activities without an adult. However, if you do need help, could you please write a ‘S’ in a circle next to the questions you needed support on.


Part 1

Part 2


Throughout our RE lessons we have been thinking about good news. First I would like you to write down all of the occasions that you can think of when Jesus brought the Good News of God’s love and forgiveness to people. These ideas might be linked to the stories we have looked at this term or might be other occasions you can think of.
Focus on one of your chosen occasions -what message do you think it has? What is the good news in the story? Write this down underneath your ideas from above.

Activity - Now think carefully about the good news that you can bring to others. What can we do each day to share the good news of Jesus? Here are some ideas to help you.

good news 1.PNG
good news 2.PNG

For this activity you have a choice. You can either write your ideas in your book OR you could make a paper chain linking all of your ideas together. For example, write one idea of how you share the good news on a slip of paper and then write another idea on another slip. Keep writing your ideas on slips until you have run out of ideas. Then, make a paper chain with your ideas. How long can you make your chain? Don’t forget to send a photograph!



Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’.

Have a wonderful weekend Year 2!

Miss Woodend