Year 2 Remote Learning - Thursday 4th February


Welcome to Thursday’s lessons Year 2.
You’re completing your fact sheet on your chosen nocturnal animal today. I can’t wait to see which animals you have chosen!

For an extra challenge each day this month, I would like you to have a look at the friendly February calendar.
Have a look at today’s challenge. Can you spread happiness and cheer to someone today?


You can complete today’s task on Purple Mash if you wish.



Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’.

Zoom Call

Remember that we have our zoom call this afternoon at 2:15pm.

Before our call, I would like you to write down 6 numbers on a piece of paper. These numbers need to be between 1 and 30 and you must not repeat the same number. Have a pen ready as we’re going to have a fun game of BINGO!


Have a look at Mrs Curtis’ Art page for this week’s art challenge.


Watch the video and have a go at the activities

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Woodend