Year 2 Remote Learning - Thursday 25th February

Welcome to Thursday’s lessons Year 2.

friendly february.PNG


You can complete today’s task on Purple Mash if you wish.



Remember to read for at least 30 minutes today. All online reading help can be found in ‘How to help your child’.


Click the button below to learn this week’s spelling rule ‘r sound spelt wr’.

Now have a go at the word activities below.

Zoom Call

Remember that we have our zoom call this afternoon at 2:15pm.

Today we are going to have a game of Guess the Sound.
Find an object in your house that makes a sound and have it next to your computer ready but don’t let us see it on the camera. When it’s your turn, you will make your object make its sound (without us seeing) and the rest of the class will try to guess what object you are hiding.


Have a look at Mrs Curtis’ Art page for this week’s art challenge.

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Woodend