Year 6 Weekly Blog - Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”


Well…we have made it to the end of what has seemed to be a confusing, fast paced and difficult week. When I came into school on Monday, I did not think that I would not be seeing the class together as soon as the following day. In these difficult times, it is so important that we come together as a community and remember that it is what we do together that will have the most impact.

My mission with all of this disruption is to keep the class together, as best as I can. This is not easy when we are all in different locations however, I know we will get there. Throughout the lockdown, I will ensure that I am delivering the same lessons to all children, both online and in the classroom. I will be using the blog for the children to communicate and sharing work during lessons from both groups of the class. The photo above is a snipping of the blog from this week about the novel that we are reading. Everyone responding to each other’s comments makes me really proud. All of the lessons that I am delivering, the children should be able to do independently with the odd bit of support. Please empower them to do this and to submit the tasks that I have set. I have been blown away by the standard of work that has been produced by all of the children - a true testament what they are capable of. Thank you to all of the parents. I know and appreciate that this is a really difficult time. The support that you are giving your children and to us in school is appreciated more than you know. Thank you!

Next week will be our first full week and it will be important to keep ticking away at the learning each day. Please keep in touch with me and let me know if I can help in any way possible. I haven’t had many photographs of the children working at home, just photographs of their work. Please send me a photo of them…I miss my class and would love to see them in their new environment.

Celebrating Learning

As I have children both in school and at home, I have decided to award a certificate for each place; a home learner of the week and a school learner of the week.

Our home learner of the week is Rhys. Thank you Rhys for keeping in contact as much as you have this week, it has felt like you are still in school. You have contributed beautifully to our class blog, continued to email me daily and produced some wonderful work. Thank you for challenging yourself.

Our in school learner of the week is Casey. He has really flown with his maths this week and hooked into our fraction work. It has been lovely to see your confidence grow each day. Keep ticking away with those times tables - you are flying!

Please make sure that you all have some down time and family time this weekend and we will go again on Monday.

Take care

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster