Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it."- Salvador Dali

This term the year 3 artists have been very busy.

We looked at Paul Klee’s art , in their sketchbooks using coloured paper (choosing 2 primary colours and 1 secondary colour), year 3 created their own version of one of Paulo Klee’s famous art piece-“ Highways and Byways”.

Following the same technique (now using black paper only), in our sketchbooks the artists in year 3 tried to make some optical illusion pieces inspired on the artist Victor Vasarely. We researched about this artist and his art work, we were all amazed by Victor Vasarely art.

Together we found out all about sustainable art and how important it is for our planet and environment, we decided to upcycle everyday packages that would eventually go in the bin to each create a piece for a Christmas village, it was amazing to see the children’s ideas on their sketchbooks and there were so many great ideas! Because we were all in the Christmas mood we started our Christmas cards, children were encouraged to create their own using any techniques/mediums that they would prefer.

Year 3 Artists also did their own nativity scene using a glass window technique. We had to cut silhouettes and the stable, we have found this tricky but we persisted and we had amazing art pieces.

On our final week we looked at observational drawing and together discussed the key principles of drawing someone’s face. We looked at how splitting the face into sections and making sure the ears section has the eyes, eyebrows and nose will help us get the features as accurate as possible. We then sat opposite each other and tried to draw our friends, these were amazing and the children were so focus!