Year 1 Weekly Blog 15.12.23 'Do not be afraid, Mary you have found favour with God'

‘Do not be afraid Mary, you have found favour with God’

Luke 1:30

Wow the nativty performances this week have been outstanding, we are so proud of each and every child and how hard they have worked this week. Here are the photos of the children.

In RE we have reflected on the nativty story, we sequenced the accounts and discussed what was happening in each picture. We thought about what it would be like to be there on Christmas Day for the birth of Jesus and what we would bring for Jesus. We hot seated the shepherds and thought about how they would feel when they heard the news and we drew one part of the shepherds story we thought was the most important.

Today we walked with our Year 4 buddies and Year 2 and 5 to church for an Advent Mass it was a wonderful end to our week.

We continued our Geography by looking at the continents and learnt a catchy song see if your children can sing it to you? We will add the Oceans to our map, locate the equator and hot and cold places. We recapped the countries and capital cities of the UK, I was very impressed how much we remembered.

We started computing this week, we have been learning how to log on and off Purple Mash please continue to practise this at home, it helps us teach other computing skills. We created our own avatars and discussed the importance of keeping our passwords safe. We will continue our computing lessons next week.

Let’s Celebrate:

Well done to our certificate awardees: a ‘Tommy Turtle for Rhys for being very brave and performing on the stage. We are so proud of you :).

All the learning characters for all of Year 1 for an amazing nativty :).

Henry is going home with this person for a brilliant week, you were a great Angel remembering all the dance moves, well done.

Last week:

Monday 18th December - Key Stage 2 Christmas concert in church. We will be walking down to church to watch the older children. If you are able to join us as we need extra adults that would be wonderful. We will be setting off from school at 1:30 pm.

Wednesday 20th December. CHRISTMAS PARTY DAY. Dancing and games in the hall! Please wear your party clothes and bring to school a chocolate bar or packet of crisps for a snack. Hopefully Santa will hear our laughter and join us!

Thursday 21st - Final day school will finish at 2pm!


  • Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches.

  • Christmas cards - Since we are an Eco school, we ask that if children wish to send Christmas cards this year, they just write one for the whole class, which we will put up in our classroom.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Thank you for all of your support 

Have a wonderful weekend

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis