Year 6 Home Learning 26.01.24


Spelling - Homophones- words that are easily confused. Please check the meaning of each of the words. You may also want to use these word in sentences so that you fully understand the words meaning and when the correct spelling would be used. There is a quiz for you to complete on PURPLE MASH.

Mrs Barker’s Group

hand high home house kind land


Some children have not quized since being back at school after Christmas- plese make sure you are reading every night for at least 20 minutes!


Please complete the IXL strand L1: Fractions and go on TT Rockstars a lot this week! Be good if you could try for 10/15 minutes a day.

ENGLISH (two week homework)

On a piece of paper, or typed up, please could you write a biography on an inspirational person of your choice. Please remember all of the tools we need to include in a biography: