Year 6 Weekly Home Learning 8.12.23

SPELLING:Another week of CONSOLIDATING the spellings that we have previosuly learnt. This should be easier and give you another chance of getting any incorrect ones another try! We will only quiz you on 10 random ones from this list. Once you have practised there is also a Purple Mash quiz set for you to test yourself at home. I have also set a 2Do on Purple Mash, where you will find some downlaodable flash cards, that may help you if you want to print them off:

Mrs Barker’s Spelling Group

work year again air animal another


Please complete the ‘Animal Habitats Adaptations’ quiz on Purple Mash.

It’s that time of year again …

URGENT- Please continue to practise and know your lines off by heart. Remember to ensure your speak clearly, loudly and with expression.

Also, please practise and learn this final song for our Chrsitmas Concert…