"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." - Vincent Van Gogh

What a busy term in year 3! In art we have travelled back in time and looked at prehistoric art, starting by learning how the pigments for painting came from. We looked at cave paintings and these were drawing with little detail. The artists were asked to draw common British animals in charcoal and later to enlarge them on to an A3 size using only cave painting colours, we knew that cave painting people only had natural resources and not a great variety of colours, we used a more earthy colour wheel.

The artists went on a hunt outdoors for natural resources and were able to experiment which would give a nice pigment when painting with. Year 3 had a go at making their own Prehistoric palette by mixing flour and water and by adding different condiments we obtained different colours, we used paprika, nutmeg, turmeric and cinnamon, some worked better than others but they all smelt amazing!

The children created their own cave wall to paint in, for this we used cardboard as a base, we glued sand, couscous and lentils and once dried we were able to add our favourtite British animal, we had so much fun doing this.

To end our term we did a virtual visit to the caves in France “Chauvet cave” and looked at the hand drawings and tried to recreate our own hand paintings , positive(paint on hand to print) and negative (hand on paper and paint around hand creating a negative hand print). This was very messy and children really enjoyed the process!