“Play is the work of the child.” – Maria Montessori

Not a truer word said in jest! The hard work that goes into inventing a new game, problem solving issues or for following the game rules, is not to be sniffed at. As the year has progressed, the children’s ability to play together, understand one another and love one another, has been so humbling to witness. They have grown in height as well as in personality.

Excitement grew this week as the construction of the castle began, we are all amazed at how quick the progress is. So much so, that even Vikings and Anglo- Saxons have visited to see the progress!

Let’s Celebrate!



First Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 3

Role Model of the Week:  Louie, Year 3 and Roseanna, Year 4

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Beth, Year 3 and Michael, Year 4


Second Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 5

Role Model of the Week: Alex, Year 5 and Kiefer, Year 6

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Georgia, Year 5 and Lena, Year 6


Third Sitting.

Class of the Week: Year 1

Role Model of the Week: Daisy, Reception, Scarlet, Year 1 and Nathan, Year 2

Jacqui’s Marvellous Manners: Rhys, Reception, Blythe, Year 1 and Rodnie, Year 2



Well done and thank you so much children for making lunchtimes such a lovely time of the day.

 We hope you have a lovely, fun filled weekend!

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team