Year 3 Weekly Blog 1.12.23 - May the joy of Advent refresh your spirit and illuminate your life

Our class worship was led by Joseph, Rodnie and George. They read beautifully the story of Jesus healing the paralised man (Luke 5:17-26). They chose to sing one of favourite hymns, Glory Lord and honour, you may remember it from our Easter worship last year. The boys read their prayers and as a class we said our own quiet prayers. I am always so impressed with how reverent the children are during our prayer and liturgy. Thank you Joseph, Rodnie and George for a leading our Prayer and liturgy, you will be our Prayer monitors next week.

In the lead up to Christmas small groups of children will be leading our Advent prayer and liturgy each week. I will send home some lines and prayer the week before so the children can have a little practise - there’s no need for them to know these by heart so please don’t worry.

The theme of our RE lesson this week was Advent. I was so impressed with how much the children had remembered from Year 2. We took the time to think about our Advent promises and the qualities that we would like to shine during this time of preparation. The children have made some beautiful glittery stars showing their chosen qualities. We have also made a class Advent wreath, each week we will add flames to the candles on our wreath as they are lit in church.
On Monday we will be going to church for Advent mass with year 6, we will be setting off from school at 9.10am ready for mass to start at 9.30. It would be lovely if family and friends could join us.

In English, we read about a man named Clac who, along with other cottars, discovered some children in a pit! The children were green! Green hair, green skin and spoke an unknown language! What a shock this must have been for Clac and his friends. As a class we recorded what we thought Clac must have felt and thought, the children were very good at putting themselves in Clac’s shoes and making inferences about how he felt. We independently wrote about the thoughts and feelings of the green children…Who were these men that found them? Were they scared? We’ve also practised writing lists in sentences, making sure we’re using commas correctly -a skill that will definitley come in hand in the next few weeks when the children are writing letters to Father Christmas!

In Maths, we have been looking at adjacent multiples again, this time with the 8 times table e.g. 8 x 3 = 8 x 2 + 8 or 8 x 3 = 8 x 4 - 8. We then pushed ourselves even further by solving multiplication and division problems. We are so proud of the children’s determination with their times tables, please keep practising at home as much as you can!

In History, the children learned all about Stonehenge. They worked as historical detectives to explain HOW and WHY it was built. We discovered that there is no clear answer and that new theories are being suggested all the time. Like all good detectives, the children have their own theories so do ask them what they think.

Today we went to watch the Parish Pantomime to see Dick Whittington. The children had a wonderful time and were beautifully behaved. Thank you so much to the parents who kindly gave up their time to come along with us.


Martha - Martha, we are so impressed with your resilience to learn your times tables. You are growing in independence every maths lesson and problem solving with your brilliant brain. Keep being determined and believing in yourself…because we certainly believe in you!

Lettie - Lettie, you have been such a Bobby Bee this week! You have embraced and enjoyed every learning challenge this week. It is lovely to see your enthusiasm to learn and you are a pleasure to teach.Keep it up!

This half term’s virtues are faith filled and hopeful.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Ellie-Rose and Liam.


  • Advent Mass Monday 4th December - We will be going to advent mass with year 6, it would be lovely if parents could join us for the walk down to church and Mass, we will be setting off from school at 9.10am.

  • On Friday 8th December, our Christmas jumper day, we will also be hosting the very first Our Lady Christmas Bake Off as a fundraiser for our school. We can’t wait to see the delicious creations! Please see Mrs Gregan’s blog for all of the details.

  • Christmas Cards -With the aim of being sustainable, we are encouraging the children to make a card for the class and not to give out one to every child.

  • Water - A gentle reminder that bottles should be filled with water and not squash, in line with our healthy eating charter. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Connolly