Year 3 Weekly Blog 23.2.24 - ‘We’ve been to the Roman Museum and now the sun is out. This is the best day ever!’

We have had a very busy week in Year 3! Our Class Worship was led by Lucia, Mia-Grace and Rodnie, they read The True God (Kings 12:16-19) and chose the hymn Mary did you know for us to sing together. The children listened thoughtfully as they shared the prayers they had written. Thank you for leading our class worship, you will be our prayer monitor until next week. Next week’s class worship will be lead by Ava, Ellie-Rose and Myles. We swapped our Lenten boxes with Nursery this week. The children have gone to so much effort and were so sweet with the nursery children. Next Friday 1st March we will be attending 9.30 Mass at Church, friends and family are very welcome to join us.

In computing, we started our new databases topic and revisited branching databases we had learnt about in Year 2. We used yes and no questions to sort a selection of fruits and vegetables. We had great fun playing a real life version of guess who! The children thought of some great yes and no questions to whittle down the class to guess who the chosen children were.

In English we have started to look at trifold leaflets, this half term we will be working towards making our own leaflets on The Romans. We had great fun putting actions to a short extract about the Romans. I wonder if the children can show you some of them at home - they will definitely remember the Boudicca action, it was their favourite!

The theme of our music lesson this week was Chinese New Year. We listened to the story of Spring Festival/Chinese New Year - you could watch it together here. We also listened and danced to music used to celebrate Chinese New Year. The children used music specific vocabulary - tempo, crescendo and duration, to describe the music. Look at our Chinese Dragon masks!

In Maths, we have started learning about non-unit fractions. The children have learned that non-unit fractions are made up of more than one of the same fraction and have been practising writing them as notations.

In History we have begun our learning about the Roman Empire and the impact on Britain. Combined with our learning in English, the children will be ready to go on Mastermind by the end of this half-term! In class, the children discovered why Julius Caesar tried to invade Britain twice. We thought back to our learning of the Stone Age - Iron Age and what would have attracted the Emperor to Britain, a cold and bleak country at the edge of his empire. On Friday, we visited Ribchester Roman Museum. The children wowed us with their curious questions and their historical enquiry skills. The museum curator talked us through what Ribchester can teach us about the past and the children had the opportunity to handle real Roman artefacts. The highlight was of course, dressing up in Roman armour. After exploring the museum, we enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch and some fresh air on the playing fields. What a delightful end to a wonderful first week back at school!


Rosa - For being a resilient and a determined in our swimming lessons. Rosa it has been pleasure to see how much you have progressed in our weekly swimming lessons. Every lesson you are brave, focused and determined. Your determination and resilience have really paid off because you are becoming a skilled and confident swimmer. Well done

Louisa - Louisa, your focus this week has been tremendous! You have made the most of every learning opportunity and have been a role model to all of your class friends. You know how precious our learning time is and are always ready to listen and do your very best! Well done you superstar!

This weeks lunchtime role model is Louie and marvelous manners was awarded to Lucia.

This half term’s virtues are compassionate and loving.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to Martha and Ellie-Rose.


  • Book Look - Thursday 29th February 9am - An opportunity to look at your child’s work and celebrate their learning.

  • Lent Mass - Friday 1st March 9.30 - Friends and family are more than welcome to join us for Mass, we would also appreciate if there are any volunteers able to walk down to church with us from school.

  • World Book Day - Thursday 7th March - Children are welcome to come dressed as their favorite book character. We would like the children to bring in a ‘magical’ object that could inspire a story. This could be anything…

  • Parents evening - Wednesday 13th March & Wednesday 20th March, 10 minute appointments are now able to be booked online here - School Cloud

Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Naylor, Mrs Marshall, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely