Year 5 Weekly Blog 09.02.24- It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light'

And just like that, we have reached halfway! It is crazy to think that we are already halfway through to the year-with the focus on Easter after half term which will then take us into summer. It has been a huge week of reflection as we celebrated both ‘Internet Safety Day’ and ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’. On Tuesday, we joined in with the rest of the country for a BBC live lesson which focused on the use of AI and what it is used for in daily life. We then looked at social media and compared each app to its age restriction- in which we discussed why this is and dangers that can arise from using social media.

On Wednesday, we opened the discussion about mental health and talked about what this means and how it is different from your physical health. The children then shared their own strategies which they use to help cope with stress in their life- no matter how big or small. On Wednesday, we also had the luxury of the afternoon out at St Bedes- in which we watched a pupil production of ‘The Lion King’. I was pleased to see the children take inspiration of the talent and hard work on show from the high school pupils.

On Monday afternoon, Year 5 took part in another enrichment afternoon- where they were learning the art of ballroom and Latin dancing with Mrs Harrison. This was a brilliant chance for children to show what they could do and also try out something completely new. Mrs Harrison could not compliment the children enough on their attitude and behaviour throughout the lesson.

In English, there has been lots of independent writing going on as the children finished their sci-fi story plans and completed their own story. In Maths, we touched base again with multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000- where children have understood the relationship between the place values when doing this. After half term, we will be moving to the right by dividing by 10, 100 and 1000.

In PE, it was promised that if our gymnastic sequences were to be completed and recorded by last week, then the most excitable ‘apparatus’ lesson would happen this week. The famous primary school climbing frame and ropes appeared for the first time this year as the children got to try out their balancing skills using some equipment and also test themselves on the ropes. It is fair to say they enjoyed this one.

Let’s Celebrate

With it being the end of a half term, the children have again voted for the certificate winners this week. To mark the halfway point of the school year, the theme has been progress. Who has made the most improvements this year from September- based on our learning characters. Here is who the children voted for and why:

  • Layla- Your classmates have noticed your focus, enthusiasm and determination throughout your work in the classroom. You don’t just sit back and act passively during our lessons- you’re always engaged.

  • Rose- Your classmates have noticed your determination throughout your maths lessons and have spotted how hard you have been working. Your focus has improved but more importantly your self-belief that you can do it!

  • Virtue Butterflies- Our butterfly this week goes to Sophia. You are very truthful in your actions in that you are always there comfort those who need it. You have brought such calmness to the classroom since you have been back and your approach to learning is so eloquent.

  • Lunchtime Certificates

    • Role Model of the Week- Millie

    • Marvelous Manners- Jacob


  • Lenten Boxes- Please check the homework blog to see more information about this.

  • World Book Day- Will be on Thursday 7th March. The children can dress up as a character from a book and they can also bring in a ‘magical object’, which they’ll use for a storytelling activity. This object could be as simple as a feather, shell, pebble or stick- They will use their imagination to create a story including this item.

  • Parents Evening Appointments- This will take place between 2:00pm-5:30pm over the course of two days, which are Wednesday 13th March and Wednesday 20th.

  • Extra-Curricular Timetable- This is now available on the sports page of the website, which includes the times and dates of the upcoming sports activities for before and after school. The children have also been given a copy of this.