When they saw the star they rejoiced with great joy!

We have arrived at the end of our first term in Year 1… I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone! Thank you for all of your support this half term, the progress the children have made (particularly with their reading) is amazing. This wouldn’t have been possible without you nurturing a love of reading at home. I couldn’t be prouder of the children and their determination and enthusiasm for growing their brilliant brains. Bring on the Spring Term!

What have we been learning this week?

This week the classroom has been filled with the spirit of Christmas and joy. On Thursday the children had their Christmas party day. The children enjoyed a day of fun, games and dancing. They even had a zoom call with Santa! The children asked him lots of brilliant questions and even sang him a song. Santa thanked the children for taking such good care of myself and bump as well as congratulating them on being so kind this year. He even left them each a special present! We finished off our week with a Christmas craft day and a Christmas quiz!

Angel Express

As promised, below you will find the Year 1 and Year 2 children’s nativity extravaganza, of An Angel Express. The children have put lots of love into this performance and I have no doubt you will feel that when you watch it. I want to say a special well done to the children who weren’t in school during our dedicated filming slots, but who were resilient Sadie Spiders and quickly learned new dances when they returned to school. Equally, a big well done to those children who stepped in at the last minute and filled in for their poorly friends. What a brilliant team they are!



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For being an enthusiastic learner even when you find the learning challenging! George you believe in the power of your brilliant brain and always push yourself to try your hardest. I’ve been so impressed with how hard you have worked on your writing this week and how you have smiled at every finger space you have remembered! Well done George!

Resilient Sadie Spider: For being a determined learner. Martha, you giggle at your mistakes and know how much they help you to grow your brain. I have been so impressed with your resilience with fact families and also your handwriting. I cannot wait to do more learning with you next term! Well done Martha!


  • Christmas is a time to be spent with family and loved ones, therefore there will be no home learning set over Christmas. Please continue to read every day though; it really is so important.

  • Keep an eye on your post; each child will be receiving a special Christmas card from a class friend.

  • Wellies have been sent home, but please could they be returned in January.

  • I do hope that you all have a truly wonderful and magical Christmas! School reopens at 8:40am and 8:50am on Tuesday 4th January.

God Bless and have a wonderful Christmas,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team