"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!"

Well Reception, you have officially completed your first term in school and what a successful term it has been! You should all be feeling incredibly proud of yourselves. You have embodied all of our school characters and virtues and have grown your brains tremendously. Just think of all the brain growing we will do over the next two terms!

You have proven yourselves to be kind and caring members of our school family, and so many other adults around school have noticed this too. You have worked really hard this term and certainly deserve a good rest over the Christmas holiday’s. There are so many beautiful stories that can be shared over the holidays and this is a wonderful way to spread the love of books and reading. It’s great practise too!

Grown ups, thank you again for all over your support during our first term in school. It’s such a privilage and a pleasure working alongside such wonderful families.

The whole of the Reception team wish you a very happy and holy Christmas.
Enjoy this magical time with friends and families.

Best wishes,
See you in the New Year!

Let’s Celebrate…

Each week children across the school are celebrated for demonstrating our learning characters and our school virtues. They are celebrated in class and in our Friday assemblies.

This week, the children have voted for who they think has demonstrated our learning characters this Autumn term…

Co-operative Roger Robin: Mary!
Mary, your friends spoke about how kind you are and how that makes them feel calm and happy in our classroom. They notice how you take care of others and how you play fairly and include everyone in games. Thank you for bringing so much kindness and joy to our classroom Mary, your friends notice all those acts of kindness and are very grateful for you.
Well done Mary!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Theo!
Theo, when your friends spoke about you, the words that kept appearing were ‘friend’ and ‘kind’. Those acts of kindness that you do each day have not gone unnoticed; your friends have talked about how kind you have been to them but they’ve also noticed how you take care of other friends in the class and make them feel happy. Theo, what a wonderful place our classroom is thanks to your acts of kindness. Your friends are very grateful for you.
Well done Theo!

Whole School Virtue - Faithfilled and hopeful: Alex
Alex, you have a wonderfully positive attitude towards school and learning and you also demonstrate this positivity towards others by treating them with kindness and compassion. You are often seen helping others without being asked and without expecting any recognition. You simply do these things because you know it is good to be kind.
Thank you for bringing this positivity and kindness to our classroom.
Well done Alex!

Important reminders:

  • Inside reading packets you will find some phonics challenges from Fred. We have also updated all of the keyrings so you now have all of the sounds that we have learnt so far. Our aim is to recognise these sounds speedily and confidently. We know Christmas is a busy time of year with lots of family time but if you do get chance to read and have a practise of those sounds that would really help to keep our brains growing ready for the next term!
    Thank you!

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a wonderful Christmas
God Bless,
The Reception team