Year 6 Remote Learning - Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Good morning Year 6. Tuesday is investigation day, what can you achieve today?

My diary is open on Wednesday for a Zoom call. If anyone would like to chat to me about their work for this week or coming back to school, or anything…please get in touch!

Here is our weekly overview and our timetable for today.

Timetable 5.PNG

English - Skellig. What do we know about him? How would we describe him?

Today we will start off by reading chapters 39, 40 and 41 of Skellig. We are really near the end now!

All about Skellig.

CHAPTERS: 1, 2, 7, 10, 16, 20, 22, 24, 30, 31 & 41

In preparation to write a non-chronological report on Skellig, today we will be gathering content on him. What is he? What does he eat? What is his habitat? What does he look like? Fascinating facts and did you know? Watch my lesson where I look at him in detail and then complete a 2Connect all about him. This will inform your planning for this week’s writing task. The text of Skellig is below, it is the entire text so be prepared to skim if you need it. Use the chapters that I have give you above to collate your evidence.

Spelling - ible and -able

Week 4.PNG

Here are your spellings for this week. Same process as last week:

Monday - spellings announced

Wednesday - dictation task

Friday - spelling quiz.

MATHS - Area and perimeter word problems.

Today, we will be applying our understanding of area and perimeter to word problems. Make sure you have access to pencil and paper through the lesson so we can draw each word problem out and see it visually.

  1. Times Table Rockstars

  2. Area word problems lesson

  3. IXL CC. 2 - Recapping Perimeter

Science - The Respiratory System

balloon lungs.jpg

TASK 1 - Can you make a model of the respiratory system? Today we will be investigating what the respiratory system looks like and how the lungs contract and relax. Watch the videos below to guide you to making your own model.

TASK 2 - Can you make a short film explaining how the respiratory system works? No more than 30 seconds in length. Use your model to support what you say. Make it interesting…like a mad scientist maybe?

TASK 3 - Can you write out a set of instructions for how to make the model of the lungs? Use ‘bossy’ language (imperative verbs) to start each sentence.

Have you finished your poster about the lungs?