Reception - Meet your new teacher week! Tuesday 7th July

Good morning Reception and welcome to Terrific Tuesday! I have got a roar-some day of learning planned. Let’s take a look!

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One of the Learning Characters has got a missing speech bubble. Can you work out who it is and think about what they would say?

Today’s Challenges


Today I would like you to do Set 1 and Set 2 speed sounds lesson, by following the link to the YouTube channel above.

I hope that…

This year at Our Lady’s, we have been growing to be hopeful and faith-filled. Today, I would love to know your hopes for Year 1. You may hope to learn all of the numbers to 100 or you may hope to be able to read big books all on your own! There is no wrong idea! With a grown up, please can you write your hope in the word document I have set in your purple mash to do’s. Some wonderful children at school will be writing out each of your hopes and writing them onto a leaf, to make a beautiful tree of hope! Every child in school will have their own leaf and this tree of hope will be ready for you to see when you return to school in September.

Animals A-Z

Our first Science topic in Year 1 is all about Animals and Humans. Watch the A-Z of animals video, by clicking on the photo opposite. How many animals did you recognise? Were there any animals you didn’t know? Your challenge for today is to create your own animal A-Z! You could do this on a poster or you could create your very own alphabet book. For an extra challenge can you compare the different animals? What is the same and what is different about them?

Well done for another wonderful day of learning Reception. I will be back with some more learning tomorrow!

Please send me photos of your children’s work, so that I can get to know them and also celebrate their wonderful achievements! I am currently in school, teaching my lovely year 1 bubble. I will get back to you as soon as I can, thank you for your patience.

Miss Lane :)