Reception - Meet your new teacher week! Wednesday 8th July

Good morning Reception and welcome to Wonderful Wednesday! I have loved seeing your work so far this week, please keep emailing it to me, so that I can learn all about you. Don’t forget to tell me your Worry Monster name suggestions too and ask us any questions you may have about your upcoming year 1 adventure! Let’s take a look at today’s learning.

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Today’s Challenges


Today I would like you to do Set 1 and Set 2 speed sounds lesson, by following the link to the YouTube channel above.

Your Favourite Book

In Year 1, we LOVE to read. Sharing a story together at the end of the day is one of our favourite things to do. What is your favourite book? Why is it your favourite book? What do you like about it? Today your challenge is to create a new front cover for your favourite story! What clues on the front cover could you give the reader about what the story is about. Below is a template for your to use, but please feel free to draw your own! For an extra challenge can you write me a couple of sentences telling me why the book is your favourite? I can’t wait to see your creations!

Blast off!

One of our History topics in Year 1 is all about the first man to land on the moon!

Sing this song to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider:

Climb aboard the spaceship,

we’re going to the moon.

Hurry and get ready,

we’re going to blast off soon.

Put on your helmets

and buckle up real tight.

Here comes the countdown,

let’s count with all our might!

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 BLAST OFF!

Today I would love you to have a go at making your own rocket. Click on the photo of the rocket to watch a video about how to make one. Can you talk about how you made your rocket? What did you do first, next, after that and finally? For an extra challenge can you write your instructions down?

If you have already done this activity in school (key worker children). I would love to know what ten things, you would take with you to the Moon! Can you make your very own astronaut?

I hope you enjoy your learning today!

Miss Lane :)