No act of kindness however small is wasted.

I would just like to say thank you for your support over the last two months. Your kindness has been much appreciated, I can see where the children get it from as they too have been so welcoming. Apologies that I have been a little slow on adding photos to the website you can now see some more of the things we have been up to.

Miss Edmondson

Here are the children in their running workshop with Mr Nay on our athlete visit day, there was some fantastic speed, stamina and teamwork.

On our online safety day the children took part in some role play activities with the digital leaders from Year 6, some very inventive uses of musical instruments going on here.

 This time you can see the children taking part in the exercise class run by Craig McCann, who is the athlete and Paralympic hopeful who visited our school. Lots of blurry photos as there is so much action going on, but you can see the fun and engagement from every child.