Français petit déjeuner est délicieux !!!!

As you may have translated from our title this week - we have shared a French breakfast in class. Madame Jefferson has been teaching us the language of food and as a treat we had croissants and hot chocolate in class!!

Mrs Nel has led the learning this week - exploring Crime and Punishment during the Victorian period. In addition to this history, she has taught angles and measuring with a protractor!!! We’ve also spent time with Mrs Harrison in the hall helping Year 6 to get the play ready (only one week to go!!). We’ve managed to play rounders and complete some Islamic art too!

I have given the children less homework this week - even though it is less - please ensure it is completed I’m catching up with a few children who have homework missing- if you have found yourself behind please catch up.


Our grow your brain certificates went to: Saul and Jack well done!

Our compassionate certificates went to: Amber and Hollie- Rose well done!!

Esme was awarded her gold certificate and book of her choice at assembly today - she has completed the Lancashire reading trail - 50 books!!!! Well done


Tickets for the play: I have explained- in class- how to access the ticket form on Miss Hornby’s blog (newletter). You cannot purchase tickets on parent pay without first completing the online form. Please ensure you have done so. Then you will get the right allocation of tickets - thank you!

COSTUMES - costumes need to come to school on Monday in a named bag- please see last week’s blog for details

Scott from St Anne’s Library came to visit us in assembly today. He came to award Esme and Matilda after they finished the Lancashire reading trial. While he was here- he invited the children to visit the library this Saturday - there is a special PLANET SAVERS event on! I have made a link below

Have a lovely restful weekend form the whole Year 5 team