This week...

Here comes the sun! What a fabulous week. It has been so warm we have set up our BIG water play in the garden. Such fun even if we did get a bit soggy!

Our garden is now beginning to look spectacular, there is so much growing…we can’t wait to start eating everything, mmmm.

This week we managed to go on another Super Croccy mission. The Owl babies mother has gone missing and had been frozen by Ice Woman. We found her camouflaged high up in a tree, and shivering. We had to rescue her and warm her up!

Just in case you haven’t met Super Croccy…here he is!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a fantastic week, we have been so busy growing our brains. 

The children have had a great time in Mr. Nay's PE class, the children really look forward to it. This week included a tricky game, and the children had to throw a tennis ball into a football net which was quite far away. Some of the children couldn't believe their eyes after their ball went into the net. Mr. Nay split the children into 2 teams and they had to throw as many balls as possible into the other teams net. It was great fun with balls being thrown everywhere. The children are really working hard on their over and underarm throwing skills. Well done everybody. 

The children have been practicing their listening skills and following instructions to the Superman, and There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden song. The children have asked if the songs can go on the blog, so here they are, enjoy! 

Click here for Superman

Click here for Wiggly Woo

Speaking of worms…something very exciting has happened to our wormery and fruit seeds. The worms have started to bury the leaves that we put in the wormery. They have been pulling them down, making more gaps and tunnels in the soil. It's amazing to see. Also, some of our fruit seeds have started to germinate. The apple seeds and the tomato seeds are coming along well but the orange seeds are yet to crack open and shoot.

The children have been busy in the garden making a snail hotel and ant farm (known as a formicarium).

The children were looking and following snail trails to find some guests to stay in our hotel. We have found around 12 snails in total, and we left some fruit outside to see if we could attract some ants but so far, we only had a few visitors. In the end, the children found more ants dotted around the garden, so in they went into their new home. 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

See you all on Monday for another fun week.


Michelle’s Blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog. The weather has been kinder to us this week, so we have mostly had fun in the garden, looking after our plants and seeds that we are growing. Everything has really grown so much, we are taking lots of care and giving everything lots of water to drink.

This week we have continued to watch our worms in the wormery and we decided to make our own worms out of spaghetti. They were very wormy and squirmy when we used the tweezers to try to pick them up.

Why not make your own worms at home, just soak the spaghetti in hot water with a little food colouring for your very own worms.

We read Superworm again, it’s one of our favourite stories and we started to think about how the Wizard Lizard was always telling everyone what to do and did not listen to others views. We know how important for everyone to have a voice in nursery. Sometimes when we can’t decide we take a vote…the biggest number of votes wins! We decided to watch a video about democracy on CBeebies, the Treasure Champs. Click here to watch. We voted for which story to have before lunch, maybe you could have a family vote this weekend.

As you will have seen in Mrs Gregan’s newsletter last week, the month of May is walk, scoot or cycle to school month and in nursery we are joining in too. Every day we are collated the numbers to see how many of us walk, scoot or cycle to nursery. This is a good way of keeping fit as well as being really good for the environment. Fewer cars means a better planet for all of us. We’ve only got one planet so we have to look after it.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the Bank Holiday on Monday,


‘Walk, Scoot, Cycle or Skate’ to school month

The council have decided to hold a ‘Walk, Scoot, Cycle or Skate’ to school month during May. We want to encourage all members of our school community to get involved. If you drive to school, could you park a little bit further away so that you could walk in and quieten the roads? There is the Parish Centre car park that can be used or even just further down the road. Do you have bikes or scooters in your shed that need their cobwebs brushing off?

Each day during May we are going to tally this in each class and create a whole school picture. We really are counting on you to keep our roads around school safe.

Sport’s Day

Sports Day

Well done to everyone who has already sent in their t-shirts…I am impressed! Don’t worry if you have not had time we still have time.

Foundation Sports Day is being held on Tuesday 18th June at 2.00pm. All children are invited to attend this event but must be in nursery no later than 1.45 pm wearing shorts and trainers. As in previous years each child will be designing their own t-shirt. We therefore ask if everyone can bring in a. s. a. p. as named, plain white t-shirt. We have to start early to ensure that we get them all finished in time!!

Lastly, don’t forget that it is Bank Holiday this weekend so sadly there will be no nursery on Monday., but we will be back on Tuesday!

I hope the weather remains sunny and warm so we can fire up the BBQs.

Stay safe and God Bless
