A busy week in the garden!

This week, the children have been extra busy! We have started to transfer the plants into the raised beds, planted our final batch of potatoes and have added carrots. The allotment area is certainly starting to take shape and we can.t wait to taste the fruit and vegetables, when they are ready.

A weed is a plant, that is growing in the wrong place!

This week, we have weeded galore to prepare the raised beds for this years growing season. The beds are immaculate and ready to go! The children have been wonderful in digging out those unwanted plants, watering the seedlings thriving in the polytunnel and re organizing it, so we have more room for even more planting. I am so excited to see the array fruit and vegetables that we hope to produce this year.

Genesis 1:29 29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

This week has seen the start of the Our Lady’s growing season, with our lunchtime gardening club. A selection of children from Reception to Year 6, have joined in. Each week, we will be busy in the polytunnel and nurturing our raised beds in preparation for this years plants. It has been wonderful to see the excitement and enthusiasm shown, no matter the task! From transporting compost, removing shrub cuttings, planting potatoes and weeding, it is truly amazing how much you can achieve in such a short time, with amazing eager assistants!

Gooseberry picking down at the allotment (end of June)

Look what the gardeners have been up to! We filled 10 bags full of gooseberries- a number of staff put in orders! The children took them home to make crumbles and pies!