Year 5 Thursday May 7th Learning From Home

Good Morning Year 5 - this is the final set of lessons for this week - Bank Holiday tomorrow!

Today is a writing day- I set you the challenge of planning and writing a letter from Michel back to Michiya telling him how wonderful his father was. We collected words and phrases together on Tuesday. Today I would like you to write the letter. Use the success criteria grid to help you so that you are applying Year 5 grammar features in your work - tick them off as you include them. In addition to the success criteria sheet, I have challenged you to use some of the vocabulary we have collected and explored while we read the book- I am looking forward to reading this piece of work. After you have written it in your book send a picture via email- I will be asking you to redraft the letter (typed) into purple mash -NEXT WEEK not today- Note to parents: redrafting involves rewriting and editing with a purple pen- we call them purple pens of progress editing in a different colour so we can see our improvements. Once typed -NEXT WEEK- I will also be able to read then properly. Because I want you to do a cracking job of this extended write I have not set maths today- only the spelling text. Maths on Sumdog is optional today. In class this writing would take a good hour +- we would be checking the content, tone style sentence structure and our punctuation.

I have uploaded Tuesdays planning film and the planner if you haven’t already got it. You may want to watch the film and pause it as you approach each each part of the letter.

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Click on image to go to the Sumdog login page


Make sure your writing is the best it can be this work is optional once the writing is complete. Please visit the task bar and go to the multiplication tables practice button and play play and play. I can see how your all doing on a big grid!

Have a lovely long weekend!!! See you all Monday!