Year 6 Remote Learning - Tuesday 9th February 2021


So just for today, there will be no maths or English. Instead we will be looking at our online behaviour and why screen time is so addictive!

Zoom Help Desk - this is back in operation on Wednesday. Please bear in mind if you have something that you want me to go over or to talk about this week. Email me today to book in!

Keep an eye on your emails for your feedback to Outcome 1. Well done everyone, we will go through it tomorrow.

Here is our weekly overview and our timetable for today.

Timetable 3.PNG

‘Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give.’

For the next two weeks, I want us all to think about kindness and how we can make each other smile. I will be setting you all some small challenges that I know will have a big impact. Keep an eye on your emails and on our daily blog, but start thinking kind. What can we do to be kind? What small acts of kindness will brighten up someone’s day?

Task 1 - book in some screen free time today.

Choose a time today where you won’t be on screen and you will do something different. It is a funny world at the moment where we are demanding screen time in order to learn because we cannot be in school. But having time away from the screen or gaming programme is equally important.

What are you going to do today? Send me a photo of what you have chosen.

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Task 2 - Internet Safety Quiz

What is your starting point? Take the quiz in your To Dos and see what you do and what you do not know.

The results will give you some time for reflection.

Task 3 - BBC Bitesize Lesson at 11am

The BBC are trying to promote learning and each day they run a number of lessons and programmes on CBBC or the BBC iPlayer. At 11am today, there is a special live lesson for Online Safety Day. Make sure that you tune into watch. If you can’t tune in on the TV, I have put the link in the button attached.

If you click on the picture to the right, it will enlarge the timetable for you to see.

Task 4 -Screen Time debate…why is too much screen time so bad for you?

Let’s have a debate by the blog…what are your thoughts on screen time. What are the reasons for being on screens but then the reasons against it? I have set up an online safety blog…can you contribute?

Complete the debating template on Purple Mash using evidence to support your views.

Task 5 - How can technology be used to improve lives?

Think about people who may be vulnerable in society or how medical science has advanced as a result of technology. Think about our current pandemic…How has technology supported people during the COVID pandemic?


Using the prompts that are attached to the piece of work to guide your research. You might talk from a personal perspective? Is there someone who you know that has benefitted from technology?

Task 6 - Online Safety Pledge

This year, we are trying to break a world record by pledging.

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Screenshot 2021-02-06 152305.png

Step 1 – Visit webpage between 10am GMT 9th February and 9:30am GMT 10th February 2021 and click “Make my pledge”

Step 2 – Make your pledge Learners can add further drawings or statements to their pledge and click save. Only the first submission will be eligible, multiple pledges from the same person will not be counted as part of the attempt.

Visit Purple Mash and type up your pledge on the TO DO that I have set you. I want to print them off to display in class.