Year 2 Remote Learning - Tuesday 9th February


Good morning Year 2 and welcome to Safer Internet Day 2021!
I hope that you enjoy today’s learning, all about how to stay safe online. Have a great day!

Your first learning activity is to … watch the television. Yes, you read correctly! At 11am on the CBBC channel today, there is a live lesson for Safer Internet Day. You can watch it on your televisions or by clicking the link below.

Don’t worry if you miss the episode at 11am. You will be able to catch up on the Iplayer website or app.

Today, you also have the opportunity to be part of breaking a Guinness World Record!
2simple (the company who make Purple Mash) are hoping to break the official title for the most pledges received for an internet safety campaign in 24 hours.

All you have to do it click the link below between 10am today and 9:30am tomorrow. This will take you to a page where you can make your internet safety pledge.
Please note - Only the first submission will be eligible, multiple pledges from the same person will not be counted as part of the attempt.

We might just play a part in breaking a Guinness World Record Year 2! Isn’t that exciting!

Now, let’s enjoy a story together!

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Now let’s look at our first lesson in our new computing topic - ‘effective searching’.

Don’t forget to complete the quizzes in your 2Dos.
Please send any photographs of your Safer Internet Day posters. I would love to see them!


With lots of your learning taking place on the computer today Year 2, here is today’s Mindfulness Monster! Remember that you can carry out the activity at any time throughout the day!


Have a great day!

Miss Woodend