Year 6 Remote Learning - Thursday 11th February 2021

Good morning Year 6. Today is all about writing your Outcome 2…I am excited to see just what you do!

Here is our weekly overview and our timetable for today.

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‘Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give.’

For the next two weeks, I want us all to think about kindness and how we can make each other smile. I will be setting you all some small challenges that I know will have a big impact. Keep an eye on your emails and on our daily blog, but start thinking kind. What can we do to be kind? What small acts of kindness will brighten up someone’s day?

I have sent you an email with your next act of kindness. Can you check it and respond?

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Please continue to devote some time to down time this week…keep up the non screen activities and send me some photos.

English - Outcome 2 INDEPENDENT WRITE

Today is your opportunity to start to write your newspaper report…tomorrow at 12 midday is your deadline…it has to be handed in!

Think creatively and use all of the resources that you have access to, they will help you to improve your piece of writing. Did you put enough content in last time? Could this be improved?

I am really excited to see the standard of writing that you produce.


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Here are your spellings for this week. Same process as last week:

Friday - spelling quiz.

MATHS - BODMAS and fractions

Apparently, there is an issue with sound in this video…so sorry! Just at the point of the fraction and BODMAS too. See if you can follow what I model on the video, if you need any further help. Give me a shout.

To finish the week, we are combining BODMAS and fractions. Watch the video carefully to support your learning.

  1. Rockstars for 10 minutes.

  2. Fluency

  3. BODMAS lesson and challenge


RE - Holy Communion and looking forward to Lent.

Today we will finish off our work on the parts of the Mass by looking at Holy Communion and then the end of Mass.

I also want you to think about Lent today and the Easter Story.

Can you write your Lenten Promise and make an animation about the story?

PE Challenge - Home Court

This is a game of reaction and speed. Follow my video to see me take part and then show you how to set it up on your Apple devices.

Let me see your videos (you can download them and save them to your devices after you have had a go) and tell me your scores.

Can you beat me? Have a go this week and let me know how you get on.

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