‘He's alive and I'm forgiven, heaven's gates are open wide.’

Another term has finished! Time certainly does fly when you’re having fun! It’s been a whirlwind few weeks and returning to school brought challenges for us all but we did it, as a team!

As always we have had a busy week of learning. We started our week thinking about the word sorry, anyone can say sorry but how can our actions show we are truly sorry? The children’s ideas were responses were lovely and showed they were really reflecting on the feelings of others. We also heard the story of Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples. Although Peter let Jesus down, Jesus forgave him. This is such a hard thing to do sometimes, but we know it’s much nicer to forgive and carry on playing with are friends!

What a lovely end to the week we have had, an Easter filled day of hunting for eggs, creating an Easter story small world and eating hot cross buns! We hope you enjoy our video full of hope below.

Let’s Celebrate

Today we celebrated Bamber collecting the most learning points since we all returned to school. ALL the children have shown some brilliant learning characteristics and we couldn’t be prouder of them. That being said this week the certificate goes to…the whole class. We still have so much time to grow in Reception and I think we are in for a treat of a summer term. Well done Reception!

Important Notices

Home Learning - Information can be found by clicking the ‘Weekly Home Learning’ button on our Reception page

Reading books - The children have all have two books to enjoy over the holiday.

Return to school - School reopens on Monday 12th April at the usual staggered times of 8:30 and 8:45.

Have a joyful and relaxing Easter holiday,

The Reception Team