Keeping our love of learning ticking over during the Easter Break - Reception

Dear Parents,

As always, we seek to support more learning opportunities beyond school. It has been a long and strange term, but we have made it to the end. We have posted below a series of tasks to have a go at over the holiday to keep our brains and key skills ticking over. Miss Lavelle will also send an email to you all individually, with a couple of specific things that your child can work on to impact them positively at school.

Sign up to Discover Camp

Firstly - Easter Discovery Camp. As you can see from the image/leaflet these learning opportunities have been organised by Lancashire. Once you have registered you can book sessions for the days you are free. You could join fun workshops all about: well being, drama, being active and being creative. Click on this link to register your child/ren and the team will contact you via email - Link - Discover Camp

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Secondly - Letter Formation

Opportunities for writing are everywhere in our provision and learning. It is really important the children build up their fine motor skills to support their writing progress. Click on the warm up film to watch a warm up guided by an occupational therapist. This really helps strength and co-ordination. Now watch the Oxford owl guide for younger children.

Next - Maths

Mrs Hotchkiss has found this brilliant selection of Maths activities you might like to try or adapt at home.

Finally Reading ….

No homework can have more impact or more enjoyment than reading! If you would like a wider selection of stories to read and listen to, click on the buttons below to access free digital books online.

Miss Lavelle has set up a login for EPIC READS they have sections called ‘Read to me’ and ‘Audio books’ that the children might enjoy. Class code - htn2939

Our Oxford Owl login details… Username - olsotsreception Password - read2021

Have a lovely holiday - we hope you are able to see friends and families even though it will be outside! Wrap up!

God Bless, all the teaching staff