Autumn Term Sport Timetable

It seems such a long time since we have been able to run a school sport timetable due to the recent pandemic. I am so happy that we are able to get things back in place again this year and competitions will once again get up and running.

We have had a really good uptake for the clubs this week, it is wonderful to see so many children getting involved and wanting to try all sports. You will see from the timetable above that fixtures resume again on Tuesday 27th September. All football fixtures (apart from when we play Heyhouses) will be played at AKS and all netball fixtures will be played at either Our Lady or at the away school. Fixtures will pause at October half term when the nights get darker much earlier and will restart again after February half term.

This week, I met with all local primary schools to agree what competition would look like this year and to agree the rules. We also created a code of conduct for pupils and parents to look at and abide by. We are primary school sport and the emphasis is on the children partipating and being able to represent the school as ambassadors, whilst enjoying the competition and learning many skills that come with this. Mr Nay and Mr Cornwell will be running the football training and Miss Lavelle will be taking netball practice. All are invited to training to see if they like it and want to give it a go. For some children, this is all that that will want to do, for some, they will want to represent the school team.

If your child is selected for the school team, they will need collecting at the end of the school day and taken to the fixture.

Netball will be played in the 7-a-side format as we prepare the girls for high school netball. Only girls can play on the school team, in keeping with 7-a-side rules, but boys are more than welcome to attend training. We are hoping to retain as many girls as possible within sport as they move to high school. This is often when they drop off. In football, we are able to play mixed competitive football, as directed by the FA. Later in the year, we will be looking at opportunities to take part in a girls’ football league. We really want to provide lots of opportunities for all. It is very exciting!

Sport to look forward to this year…

  • Indoor Athletics Competition - January

  • Netball & Football fixtures restart - March

  • Swimming Gala - June

  • QUAD athletics - June

  • Cricket - June/July

If you have any questions about school sport this year, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Send an email to: