Year 5 Homework- Due 23rd November


The focus for this week are homophones. There are 3 pairs of homophones in the list that we have learned this week and the rest are other homophones that have been previously learnt.

  1. allowed

  2. guest

  3. passed

  4. stationery

  5. cereal

  6. farther

  7. pear

  8. aloud

  9. guessed

  10. past

Christmas concert practice

We have practiced ourfirst 3 songs of our nativity concert. These songs are;

  • Joy to the World

  • Mary Did you Know

  • Bring him Home (God on High)


Will be on IXL;

  • K10- Square numbers


Will be in their homework books. The children are to complete the main clauses of the ‘ed’ sentence starters which are about our class novel- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

The children are then to research and choose 3 of their own ed sentence starters and write a sentence for each of them about our class novel.