Year 2 Homework to be handed in on Monday 26th February

Thank you for all the wonderful photographs from the half term. What a lot of healthy eating and fun with family! We will share them in class this week.


It is lovely to hear everyone read every week. Fluency is clearly developing and the children are enjoying their books. Thank you for supporting at home. Please continue to explore books every night.


Please complete the mental maths IXL E9 adding over ten and bridging - this can be tricky remember to jump to ten then - ten and up.


This week and for the rest of the term Mrs Hotchkiss will making a handwriting videos for you to follow at home. We really need extra practice so working on this important skill at home will be invaluable. Remember a good seated position and your book slightly slanted.

Spelling : Adding an ing to a verb this week - remembering to double the constant when we hear the short vowel sound:

Put - putting

Knot - knotting

drum - drumming

skip - skipping

begin - beginning

split - splitting

chat - chatting

stop - stopping


We are exploring the work of the Wright Brothers - aviation pioneers. This week can you find out who Amelia Earhart was and why she was famous? I have attached a useful website to the button below. Write your findings into your homework book.

The extra practice really makes a difference - makes you grow in confidence