Year 2 Blog Friday 9th February


What a super busy week. We have taken time to reflect on how big a part the internet plays in our lives. Knowing how to interact and stay safe in this exciting online world is much harder then we first thought. We are faced with lots of dilemmas. We understand that if we wouldn’t do something in real life then we don’t do that in the virtual world either. On Tuesday we joined in a CBBC live lesson all about AI and how powerful a tool it is and how it is part of our everyday lives already. We learnt that computers only do what humans tell them to, so we all have a responsibility to make our digital world a kind place.

In other lessons we chatted about issues we have faced online. We had some children sharing their negative online experiences - particularly on Roblox. We checked to see the recommended age and it is 13 - it explains the following online: On Roblox, certain safety settings and parental controls are enabled by default for children under 13. However, you should still review the settings to ensure they've been set up correctly. Not all games on Roblox will be appropriate for your child. Children have shared concerns about some of the things other users say online. When we explored a little further, we realised that we are playing with people we do not know. We then talked about how we don’t play with strangers in real life so it is best to play with real friends online.

Mrs Maano led our digital lessons on using a filter when searching to help us stay safe and we set emails to one another - understanding that once we have sent something it is sent. All very valuble lessons.

Magic Moments

Making Puppets in our enrichment afternoon with Mrs Naylor. Exciting Art - using clay.Orienteering around the school grounds (reading maps in geography). We have all written a fairy tale with a twist. We have had three planning and writing sessions everyone has been super creative! In science we explored what keeps our minds and body healthy and we set up an investigation into which exercise makes use feel good!

Let’s celebrate:

This week the children voted for the certificates themselves. We stopped to reflect on: who in class makes an excellent learning partner and who made a lot of progress because of their focused approach and enthusiasm. The children choose:

Henry S, Sasha and Danny - lovely things were said about all of you and the teachers certainly agreed! Well done!

Marvellous manner - Blythe

Role Model - Halle


During the holiday it will be Shrove Tuesday followed by Ash Wednesday. On this special Wednesday we all go to church to celebrate the beginning of Lent. During Lent we try to bring three things to the forefront of our lives:



Alms Giving

For our youngest children we focus on Alms Giving and choosing to do more acts of kindness each day. In addition, we try to give 5 mins a day to God - prayer and sometimes to just listen. At our Lady’s we have a tradition of making and swapping Lenten boxes. Once again we ask the children to make a money box for their special learning partner in Year 5.

Make your box out of an old container ( e.g: Pringles tube; margarine tub). Decorate the box with the theme of Easter. Once back at school we will swap the containers and you will bring your new one (from your Year 5 partner) home. Once you have your box, complete acts of kindness for small donations- from family and friends.

PE on return - we will be on the equipment in the hall so children MUST have PE shorts for Thursday. Tracksuit for Monday.

Have a wonderful half term holiday