Year 2 Home Learning ready for Monday April 29th


Please read each evening. we are helping with in class - making sure we are quizzing every week. It can be tricky when we have chapter books - so one chapter a night is a good target to have. Although, you may just get carried away and read more! I know \I do!


Thank you for practising with your “bridging number fact cards. We have been following up in school this week. We have added more cards and these will come home next week. For this weeks maths homework - can you go onto Numbots and continue progressing through the levels - remember it wants you to answer as swiftly and as accurately as you can. Click on the link below to go straight to the school Numbot platform.


Sticking with those verbs and adding ed. This week we are looking at verbs that end in e and so we drop the e and add ed:

shade shaded

cycle cycled

rule ruled

wave waved

pickle pickled

like liked

fazzle twizzle


Please find your task set on the LetterJoin platform.

OPTIONAL TASKS - HAVE FUN (we are sharing these in council)

Here is the link to our optional homework tasks. Well done to those children who have watched Gnomeo and Juliet and to Wren for finding persuasive leaflets - which we have on display in class. Thank you to Jude for his video!