'Keep reading, it's one of the most marvelous adventures anyone can have'.

This week, stories and books have come to life as we have celebrated World Book day. We love reading and telling stories in Reception but on Thursday we had the opportunity to share some of our favourites. We also worked together as a class to use some of the magical objects that had been brought in to create our own story. Each class was given this task and we met up with our Year 6 buddies to share each others stories.

Here is ‘The Magic Pen’ by Reception.

What have we been learning this week…

RE: This week in RE we continued our Lenten journey and thought specifically about Palm Sunday. The children listen as we shared how Jesus began his journey to Jerusalem after spending 40 days in the desert. We thought about how excited the crowds were as they gathered to greet Jesus all shouting “Hosanna Hosanna” as he rode in on his donkey. We looked closely at different images and noticed cloths being laid down in front of Jesus and Palm leaves being waved in the air. We really enjoyed acting this our together and took turns to do take on different roles.

Literacy: This week we celebrated world book day and were set a special challenge to write our own class story. We thought about how a story is broken up into parts such as: opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending. We created a story map and used actions to help us remember our story.

Maths: This week in Maths we have been comparing amounts and have used the words ‘more than, less than and equal to’, to explain what we had noticed. We talked about needing to find out how many objects each person had before we could compare, and how the size, shape or even the colour of the objects does not matter; all we needed to focus on was how many each person had. It was lovely to see the children thinking more deeply during our Maths discussions when someone asked the question “why is not less than”. We talked about the phrase fewer than being used for objects that can be counted for example we thought about comparing plates of sausages and mash. We can count the sausages so we would say more than or fewer than. But we can’t count the mash so then we would use more than and less than.

Reception you really are growing your brains, we are so impressed!

Let’s Celebrate…

This weeks learning character and virtue awards goes to:

Focused Cooper Crab: Kira!
Kira, you have impressed us all so much in phonics over the last few weeks. You have been so focused and this has helped you to become more confident with all of your sounds and to blend and read with more speed! It’s so lovely to see how proud you are of your achievements as well. Keep up this brilliant focus.
Well done Kira!

Co-operative Roger Robin: Marcel!
Marcel, you have worked so hard in phonics and we can see how much you have grown in confidence with your sounds and reading. This week I have been especially proud of how you have used this confidence to help others. You have been a patient and encouraging learning partner during our phonics lessons and this has helped your friends to be brave and have a go. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and teacher to your peers.
Well done Marcel!

Whole School Virtues - Loving and Compassionate: Theo!
Theo, we have seen how beautifully you have played with lots of different friends this week and how you have treated each one with love and compassion. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend in our class.
Well done Theo!

Lunch time awards:

We also have lunch time certificates which are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:

This weeks role model: Well done Hector!

This weeks marvelous manors: Well done Mary!

Thank you both for being such wonderful role models and for remembering those acts of kindness everyday!

Important notices and reminders:

  • Polite reminder that parents meetings will be taking place on Wednesday 13th March and Wednesday 20th March. This is a great opportunity to discuss the progress your child has made and what we are focusing on as we move towards the end of Reception. If you have not booked an appointment already, this can still be done via the school cloud link on Mrs Gregans newsletter.

  • Polite reminder to please make sure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s names. We have a few of the same water bottles in class but with no names. This is causing some confusion and the children are getting their bottles mixed up. Thank you.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a lovely weekend
God Bless,
The Reception team