YEAR 2 Home Learning - Being ready for our NATIVITY

As you are aware our Nativity takes place on the Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th of December (9:30) We hope you have all purchased your tickets. Rehearsal are progressing although the shepherds haven’t arrived yet!

Could you help us? We need the children to be confident with the songs (there is a lots to learn and remember). We are singing everyday, but singing at home too would really help. I have placed the lyrics to all the songs in the childrens’ reading packs and I’ve attached them below too.

In addition - below - is a video with three of our songs and another 3 songs will be videoed on Thursday and posted.

As well as the singing could you make sure your child knows they lines. They can say them using a BIG voice and also understand which character and line comes after. The children are doing sooo well especially those coming to school feeling confident about their part. Thank you for all your help.