The time is here and we have now finished our dance, we are so excited to share it with you all. Here are the arrangements for next Monday …

Costumes should be at school now (black top, leggings/trousers and optional tutu for girls), left at school ready to take to the Winter Gardens on Monday- this will avoid any left behind on the day!

We will leave school at 1pm by coach to the Winter Gardens, where 3 members of staff will be taking the group and satying with them in to the evening. The children will be there all afternoon, to allow time to practise and go through the show. Therefore, they will need to bring a packed lunch for their evening meal. We recommend that they have a school lunch before they go, to ensure they have a hot dinner before a long afternoon/evening. Snacks throughout the event are welcomed, but please no sweets/ chocolate and no fizzy drinks, although one juice is permitted. As it is a long afternoon, with waiting time, please feel free to pack a good book, any homework to complete and maybe a puzzle/ colouring book to keep them busy (no electrical devices or aything of value). Children will not be able to see any of the audience before or during the show.

Once the show has finished, children will then go backstage to collect their belongs and then we will take them to our school’s pick up point outside the entrance to the ‘Floral Lounge Bar’within the Winter Garden’s building, so please meet us there. Please make sure you tell us when you take your child, to ensure a safe transition as it does get very busy!I will have all mobile contact numbers in case there are any problems, so  please ensure you have your mobiles with you on the night. Please fill in the form below to let us know who will be taking your child home on the evening:

Doors open to the public on the evening at 6pm- make sure you have your tickets. The anticipated finsihing time is 9:30pm.

Children can wear their PE kits this day. Please make sure yoy pack plenty of water and if your child needs an inhaler, please ensure they have this. We will also door hair in the afternoon, so pack a brush!

Any questions or queries about the event, please come and see me.