More learning opportunities over the half term - Year 2

Dear parents,

Thank you for all the support you have given the children over this first half term. They have worked extremely hard and it is exciting to see them making progress. Both Miss Bassett and I look forward to meeting with you online this coming Friday.

Below are tasks that consolidate learning which has just taken place and some pre-learning for the next half term.


Please read everyday. Please listen to your child and help them build up their fluency. Read a novel to them too- this has an impact on their comprehension skills and on their expanding vocabulary- enjoy!


We have played Numbots in school - sucessfully. The children have been given their password - it has been stuck into the children’s homework book or reading record. If it should get lost please email me ( and I will send it.

The children have enjoyed playing the game and it is there for them to practice their maths fluency. It is important that they complete the tasks independently as the platform gives me data - which I can use to further support them.

We reloaded the app onto the ipads in class and it is working - so you may want to do this it is free or you can play online through the website. Please note that it will ask for the correct school first - please enter our postcode FY81LB - the school name will appear and then your child’s password(pin) will work.


Research shows us that when children engage in some pre-learning they feel more confident when tackling a new topic in school. Next half term we will be studying Florence Nightingale. What can you find out about her? Can you make a Poster displaying your facts, or record them into your homework book.

Do you have any nurses in your family? Can you interview them and ask them questions about their job. With their permission you could make a short film of them in their uniform explaining what they do. There are many different types of nurses so we could look at the differences!

Do you aspire to be a Nurse or a Doctor?


Later in the half term we will be learning the difference between man-made and natural materials. I have made a link here to an educational film all about the subject! Could you collect man- made and natural materials from around your home. Could you make a collage (be creative and artistic) using just natural or just man-made? - Have fun!

Click on the image to link to the film

Finally - can you respond to Mrs Gregan’s call for crafted poppies?

Have a lovely holiday - enjoy family time.

Year 2 Homework Friday 7th July

Getting ready for Year 3 Booklet
Today the children started to work on their year 3 booklets, homework this week is to finish their booklet ready to give to their year 3 teachers.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

Click the image below to go straight to the TT Rockstars log in page

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 14th July
eat must didn’t king everyone school want which cried gone

Year 2 Homework Friday 30th June

 Maths -
Can you double the number? Use the strategies we have been learning in maths this week


Can you spot the spelling mistakes? Highlight them in the text, then write the correct spelling of the words on the lines below.

Capital letters and full stops - its always good to revisit this. Can you rewrite the sentence with the capital letters and full stops in the correct places?

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

Click the image below to go straight to the TT Rockstars log in page

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 7th July
magic fox take first night new girl please use keep

Year 2 Homework Friday 23rd June

 Maths -
Can you draw a picture to represent the equations? How much money is there? Can you write an equation to show how to work it out?


Science -
Material sort - can you identify what they items are made from and stick them in your book by the correct frog.

Can you find some fantastic facts about China?

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

It’s great to see that so many children are logging on and enjoying TT Rockstars.
Click the image below to go staight to the TT Rockstars log in page

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 30th June
would something town small began again been still many three

Year 2 Homework Friday 16th June

Maths -
Complete the 5 times tables activities in your home learning books.

Science -
Research famous materials inventors - what did they invent? What is their invention used for?

Can you find some fantastic facts about France?

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

You can also log in to TT Rockstars using your Numbots log in, Click the image below to go staight to the TT Rockstars log in page.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.
Reading targets have been reset for our final half term.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 23rd June
around wanted going well kind path gold money door wild

Year 2 Homework Friday 19th May

Maths -
Complete the maths questions in your home learning books.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 26th May
January February March April May June July August September October November October November December.

Year 2 Homework Friday 12th May

English - Please complete the reading comprehension on Twinkle Twinkle.

Maths -
Complete the maths questions in your home learning books.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 19th May
here hear wait weight hole whole sighed side new knew

who where why when what

Year 2 Homework Friday 5th May

English - Please complete the reading comprehension on Harvest Mice.

Maths - Complete the subtraction sums in your home learning book, think about the strategies we have used in class this week.

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 12th May

Spellings with the ‘or’ that sounds like ir
word worm worse password workshop world worth worst workers

we’ve shouldn’t can’t they’ve I’ve

Home Learning Friday 28th April

English/History - Please complete the reading comprehension on Grace Darling.

Maths - Complete the maths activity in your home learning book.
Can you draw a picture to show the equation, write it as an additive and a multiplicative

Keep logging on to numbots - click the image below to go straight to the numbots website.

SPAG - Please complete the SPAG activity in your book.

Please continue reading at home - 20 minutes daily.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 5th May

Spellings with the suffix ‘es’
ladies bodies tries flies babies cries families spies replies

because children beautiful people

Year 2 Home Learning 21st April 2023

English - Please complete the reading comprehension in your Home Learning book.

Maths - Can you partition the numbers into tens and ones?

Keep logging on to numberbots - I can see all the great awards you are achieving!

SPAG - Please complete the work on comparatives.

Please continue reading at home, reading targets have been reset!

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 28th April

Spellings with the suffix ‘tion’
station lotion potion fiction motion section caption option nation

Word set 24

parents says thought wear laugh whole

Year 2 Home Learning 6th April

History - What can you find out about the Mexico Disaster?

English - Please complete the reading comprehension in your Home Learning book.

Maths - please continue practising your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Here are some links to help you practise.
Times table games
Tommy’s Trek Times Table Game
5 x table game
Multiples of 10 game

Don’t forget you can log onto Numbots at home too.

Please continue reading at home over half term, we will be resetting reading targets the first week back.

This week’s spelling for spelling quiz Friday 21st April

Spellings with the suffix ‘ment’
enjoyment amazement employment treatment replacement movement basement agreement payment

Word set 23

floor door poor friend hour though

Year 2 Home Learning 31st March

Year 2 Home Learning 31st March 2023

Egg Decorating Competition- Wednesday 5th April

Your homework this week is to create an entry for our whole school egg decorating competition - there will be chocolaty prizes!

Please continue reading for 20 minute daily and logging on and playing Numbots - here’s the link



This week’s spelling are words ending in suffix less

harmless toothless pointless restless helpless careless helpless fearless endless

and word set 22

caught Christmas clothes once hold cold