Year 3 Remote Learning Week Beginning 19.04.22

We hope you enjoy the remote learning this week, which closely mirrors what we will be doing in class…


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should click the following link on the website then watch the videos in the following order:

  1. Add and subtract multiples of 100

  2. Add and subtract ones

  3. Add and subtract 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - not crossing 10

  4. Add a 2-digit and 1-digit number - crossing 10

  5. Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - crossing 10

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:


This week we start our new class novel. Our lessons are focused on creating interest. Please find the PDFs below and work your way through.

Year 3 Remote Learning Week Beginning 28.03.22

We hope you enjoy the remote learning this week, which closely mirrors what we will be doing in class…


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should click the following link on the website then watch the videos in the following order:

  1. Add and subtract multiples of 100

  2. Add and subtract ones

  3. Add and subtract 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - not crossing 10

  4. Add a 2-digit and 1-digit number - crossing 10

  5. Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers - crossing 10

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:



This week is all about our writing stage in English. On Monday- Wednesday we will be doing a shared write together, where the children will take their innovated plan and rewrite the story alongside the teacher. This will then be marked each night and the children will have chance to reflect on whether they have mastered the writing focus. Please remind yourself of the story (found on the homework page) and your new innovated story map (if you were not in school on Friday then this will be emailed to you on Monday).

Then on purple mash you will find a task on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday where you will rewrite your own story alongside mine. Before you start, have a good read of mine and see if you can identify some of our key grammar skills (these will be highlighted red for you). The challenge is… can you use these within your own writing but adapt it slightly?

After each day once you have received feedback and edited your own, it’s time to innovate your story again using the plans from below and using the choices only provided which were different from your last story. I have put the example of the original story map to help you with this also.

Once you have planned this please could you type this up on Purple Mash and then send it to Mrs Harrison for her to mark. Remember to include all of those key grammar skills.


This week we are continuing to focus on our understanding of the last supper. please work your way through the two PowerPoints. They involve lots of discussion and reflection so make sure you have a family member to discuss your thoughts throughout. Please use your homework book when completing a task.

Year 3 Remote Learning Week Beginning 7th March

This work will closely mirror the work we are doing in class this week:


This week we have been learning how to punctuate direct speech with inverted commas and continuing our shared reading of ‘the Greenling’ …

Read the text above and make sure you understand all of the vocabulary and the meaning of the text.

Have a look at the dialogue below and answer the questions around the side. Can you have a go at acting out what one of the characters says, thinking about how they would say it?


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should click the following link on the website then watch the videos in the following order:

Thursday: multiply by 4

Friday: ‘The 4 times table’

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:

On top of this please don’t forget to keep on top of your reading, quizzing, TT Rockstars and Nessy (if you are on this program)

Year 3 Remote Learning WB Monday 7th February

This week we are continuing with our read and respond stage of our Green children unit and pre-teaching some of the vocabulary found in the text we will be reading next week …


Tuesday’s lessons:

Wednesday’s lessons:

Thursday’s lesson:

After IXL English strands W1 and W2 on conjunctions, please complete the following worksheet:

Friday’s lesson:

Complete the IXL English strand DD.1 on synonyms, the complete the following maps on two verbs you choose from the list from Wednesday’s lesson.


Please follow the link below to see all of the lesson videos, you should watch in the following order:

Tuesday: Multiplication equal groups

Wednesday: using arrays

Thursday: multiply by 4

Friday: ‘The 4 times table’

Worksheets to go with the Maths lesson:

Tuesday’s Computing Lesson:

Year 3 Remote Learning- Monday 4th October

Here is the remote learning for the week… this week we are starting to write our own fable, using the structure of ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’ to help us. For homework, you thought of your own animals and now its time to race them- which animal will win? Which animal was boastful and went to sleep? See if you can innovate my writing to make it your own! Can’t wait to read them …

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